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Mudaraba Hajj Deposit Scheme
An adult person having sound mind can open one account only, in his/her single name with any of the branches of the bank.
The tenure of Mudaraba Hajj Deposit Scheme will be 5, 8, 10, 15 and 20 years. The client may choose any tenure and deposit the prescribed monthly installment to perform Hajj in the predetermined year.
The client will deposit amount as per installment size prescribed for the year in which the client desires to perform the Hajj.
Profit against balance of Mudaraba Hajj Deposit Scheme will be credited on daily product basis and it will bear 1.10 profit weightage.
If any client desires to perform Hajj before his predetermined year, the client will deposit rest of the amount of Hajj expense fixed for that particular year considering the installment amount already deposited by the client.
If the client fails to perform Hajj for any unavoidable circumstance, the rate of profit prescribed for Mudaraba Hajj Deposit Scheme will not be allowed against his/her deposited amount. In that case, profit against the deposited amount will be credited at the provisional rate of profit prescribed for Mudaraba Savings Account, which was prevailed at the time of opening the Mudaraba Hajj Deposit Scheme.
No cheque book will be issued to the client as the deposited amount of Mudaraba Hajj Deposit Scheme is not chequeable.
There will be 12 installments in a year and accordingly 60 installments for 5 years, 120 installments for 10 years and 240 installments for 20 years.
The client is required to deposit the installment amount on or before 5th day of each month. If the client wants to deposit the installment(s) in advance, the same will be received by the bank but profit will be allowed there-against considering the installment deposited for each succeeding month.
If the client fails to deposit 03 (three) consecutive installments, the account will be considered as cancelled and profit against balance of deposited amount will be allowed at the provisional rate of profit prescribed for Mudaraba Savings Deposit. If the client fails to deposit two consecutive installments, the account will remain operative. But the recurrence of same instances twice a year or separately 05 (five) times in the selected tenure will lead the Bank to cancel the account.
If the total deposited amount along with profit given by the bank becomes higher than Hajj expense determined by the respective authority for that particular year, the additional amount will be given to the client. On the other hand, the depositor must bear the additional amount if Hajj expense determined by the respective authority for that particular year becomes higher than the total deposited amount along with profit given by the bank.
An employee/staff of Exim Bank is also allowed to open this scheme.
Incase of death of the client, profit against deposited amount will be allowed to the nominee(s) at the provisional rate of profit prescribed for Mudaraba Savings Deposit.

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