EXIM 5th Subordinated Bond | eRecruitment

About EXIM Bank
History of EXIM Bank
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Anti-Money Laundering & Combating Terrorist Financing
Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Prevention Activities

Money laundering has a major impact on a country’s economy as a whole, impeding the social, economic, political, and cultural development of a society. Both money laundering and terrorist financing can weaken individual financial institution, and they are also a threat to a country’s overall financial sector reputation. Combating money laundering and terrorist financing is, therefore, a key element in promoting a strong, sound and stable financial sector.

EXIM Bank has been treating the ML & TF risks as one of the vital agenda in its core risk management strategies. Our bank under the legal framework and focus of the “Money Laundering Prevention Act, 2012 (MLPA, amended in 2015)” and Anti Terrorism Act, 2009 (ATA, amended in 2012 & 2013) has been pursuing the policy of strict compliance to all regulatory directives and culture of good Governance in all aspects of its banking services and operations.

Our Bank has formulated related Policy, Procedures and Guidelines for mitigating the risk of ML & TF in our Bank.The bank has formed a 12 members Central Compliance Committee (CCC) and has nominated its Additional Managing Directors as Chief Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer (CAMLCO) and a Deputy CAMLCO for ensuring strict compliance in view of AML & CFT concern. In addition, Branch Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer (BAMLCO) at Branch Level continuously exerts their all out efforts to keep branches complaint on AML & CFT matter through reviewing and verifying the on-going transactions of the accounts as part of CDD & EDD process.

Our Management is fully committed to comply with the instructions of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) and already has revised comprehensive policy for combating Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing duly approved under the Board of Directors. We continuously strive to develop our own policies, procedures, systems & technology by the guidance of our Board and have issued multiple Circulars, Circular letters and Instructions from time to time to this effect. As part of anti - money laundering policy, in the beginning of every year the Managing Director & CEO conveys a special message to all Officials and Staffs of the Bank which clearly sets forth the way forward for the present year and shares the initiatives taken in the previous year pertaining to combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

Our Bank has procured ‘Accuity Online Compliance Solution’ at Head Office level and LexisNexis Risk Solutions ‘World Compliance Online Search Tool’ for EXIM Exchange Company (UK) and EXIM Exchange Company (Canada) Limited to verify PEPs/IPs information as well as adverse media news against any high profiled person. SWIFT Screening System has been implemented for screening SWIFT messages against Sanction lists of UN, OFAC, EU & UK- HTM effectively. EXIM goAML Interface & Anti Money Laundering Utility Software, a in-house developed interface software, is being used as automated sanction screening tool to ensure that bank does not get involved with any restricted parties.

In response to ever-rising risk of money laundering and terrorist financing, training programs are being arranged regularly to raise awareness.

Bank has an arrangement with Bangladesh Election Commission for verification of NID (National Identity Document) of potential and existing customers to ensure correct KYC. Accurate and timely reporting of Regulatory returns are being ensured and given priority.
AML & CFT Questionnaire for Correspondent Relationship.

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