EXIM 5th Subordinated Bond | eRecruitment

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EXIM Durodorshini
Women empowerment and economic development are very closely related for the ultimate development of the country. The government as well as the policymakers of the country are paying great effort for empowerment of women entrepreneurs of the country through financial inclusion and other supports. EXIM Bank has introduced a specialized product called “EXIM Durodorshini” for the women entrepreneurs through its Small & Medium Enterprise (CMSME) Investment program on easy terms and conditions. It is an investment product for women entrepreneurs / skilled and semi-skilled females having potentiality, practical experience in the respective field / educated/technical unemployed female having initiatives / new women entrepreneurs / member of any Chamber/Trade body/Women forum for the following nature of goods/items:
Target Group:
Micro/Cottage/Small sized Trading, Manufacturing and Service oriented business.
To meet Working Capital requirements of an existing business.
To purchase fixed assets for an existing business except land and building
Limit of investment
For small entrepreneur : Up to Tk.50.00 lac.
For other than Small entrepreneur : Depending on nature of business and requirement of the entrepreneurs.
Mode of Investment:
Term Investment : IBB (HB, Mach, Transport, Others).
Working Capital : Bai-Murabaha/Bai-Muajjal/ Musharaka/Mudaraba.
Trade Financing : Bai-Murabaha/Bai-Muajjal/ Musharaka/Mudaraba.
Duration of the Investment:
IBB Mode : Maximum 05 (five) years.
Bai Mode : Maximum 01 (one) year.
Musharaka/Mudaraba Mode : Maximum 01 (one) year.
Repayment Mode
IBB (Equated monthly installment investment facility): Equal monthly installments via auto debit from current account of the client.
Bai-Muazzal/Murabaha: Principle (sanctioned amount) and profit will be paid in a single installment/phase by phase within the tenured from sale proceeds/own sources of the client.
Profit/Rent rate & others
As per usual rate of the bank and nature of the business. However, in case of Islamic Refinance facility (if available) rate will be sum of usual bank rate plus average rate of savings account of the bank subject to be reframe by Bangladesh Bank from time to time.

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